My Future Stops at 2050

Ved Sanyal

My Future Stops at 2050

How many of you have heard, “This is how the real world is”? I refuse to listen to it. It’s an excuse for organisations and people in power. That sentence implies that 8 billion people spend their lives going through a system they don’t like. You’re telling me my parents had me, just to fight a system like this?

Adults often tell me, “You’re too young,” or, “this is how it’s going to be,” but is that true? Sure, you might know what school and social stress is like, but do you know how it feels to be stuck at home in your most adventurous years? Everyone goes through a phase where they want to be alone, away from family, and rebellious. And we do too, except we’re stuck in our rooms. Everyone’s dealing with their emotions, and I would ordinarily turn to my friends for a break – most of whom I’ve never met. I’ve made some of my best friends online, but it’s so ambiguous, that I might have a bad day and lose all of them. Yet, we still spend hours on social media, because we don’t have a choice.

When you were in school, you had dreams of your future – we do too. But you didn’t have the subconscious countdown, the thought that maybe you won’t be able to live your life to the fullest. I dream of being an environmental scientist, but by the time I’m educated, we will have already crossed the point of no return. Should I not be allowed to have a family like you did? Travel the world like you did? It’s because of your laziness to fix a broken system that I don’t get to choose. And you say we’re too young? Yeah, because we’ll never have the time to grow old.

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